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Police Chief Warns “London is Modern Slavery Hotspot,” 13K Victims Forced into Labor and Sex


By Matt Agorist

London — As human trafficking scandals rock the world, London has been at the forefront of the child sex market. Now, it appears, they are also operating a massive modern-day slave trade. According to a London top cop, Britain’s capital has become a hotspot for forced labor and sex slavery.

There are an estimated 13,000 victims of forced labor, sexual exploitation and domestic servitude in Britain, according to Government data and the police have no idea how to handle it.

According to Detective Chief Inspector Phil Brewer, head of Scotland Yard’s anti-slavery unit, human trafficking is now on the rise in Britain’s capital.

The cases of slavery in 2017 that have been referred to the police are already nearing the totals for 2016. As of the end of June, 820 cases of slavery were reported to authorities as compared to just 1,013 in all of 2016.

Police admit they are not sure how to deal with the problem. The chief said this admission came after they were treating many of the victims of slavery as actual suspects.

Detective Inspector Brewer told Reuters: “Everyone realizes now we’re never going to police our way out of this.

Labor exploitation in London is really misunderstood or not understood, it’s quite clear that it’s about what we don’t know rather than what we know.

Police have since taken proactive measures in an attempt to curb the spike in numbers. The Met announced that it is now relying more on industries like construction and hospitality to blow the whistle on the crime and help find victims while charities who come into contact with vulnerable people could also help, according to the Mail.

“There’s not really been any conversation about how companies can actually interact with policing. There’s probably some reassurance that we need to do, that if you come to us and say we found this, it won’t compromise your position,” Detective Inspector Brewer said.

According to the Mail, domestic servitude is also fueled by cultural factors that might make it acceptable in some sections of London’s population to have a worker from a lower social group working as a domestic slave even though it is against the law.

The idea that certain groups of society still think it is acceptable to own another human being and force them to do their bidding should shock the conscience. However, given the depraved practices of the elite, especially in England, trading in human lives is but a long-standing norm within these groups.

Aside from forced labor, these sickos trade in children to carry out their demented and torturous sexual depravities.

As the Free Thought Project has previously reported, Sir Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has reportedly been accused by the police chief as being a pedophile. His vile crimes against children were allegedly ‘covered up by the establishment.’

Unfortunately, pedophilia and human trafficking, as the Free Thought Project has exposed, is all too common among those in power. Sadly, however, those who attempt to draw attention to this problem are labeled as conspiracy nuts or perpetrators of fake news.

As CBS anchor Ben Swann pointed out, the information gleaned during Pizzagate, while some was outlandish, showed the issue was deserving of an investigation. However, it was quickly marked as fake news and written off.

As more cases, like the thousands of slaves in London, come to light, those who attempt to keep pushing this issue to the fringe expose themselves as being complicit in covering it up.

Please share this article with your friends and family to show them that modern-day slavery still exists and, as the case in London shows, is thriving.

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Facebook. This article first appeared at The Free Thought Project.

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